Marya Michael’s Spiritual Coaching Services
Marya’s spiritual coaching practice facilitates an authentic and unique sense of self. This includes an awakened or confirmed acquaintance with the present and potential power of a child’s life. Many children are having tangible spiritual experiences that are begging to be heard. Others are simply yearning to keep joy and wonder alive within highly rigid academic settings that don’t recognize or nourish them. The many emotional and social challenges facing children today tend to distract them from the purity and power of the self, preventing them from living and growing into the truth of who they are as individuals.
Marya Michael
Following the completion of a degree in Early Childhood Education in 1972, Marya successfully completed the training to teach the Transcendental Meditation Programâ„¢. In 1974, Marya launched her career in elementary public education while also teaching meditation to adults and children within the private sector. Her graduate studies include over 70 hours of training which primarily focused on elementary education, self-esteem, multicultural education, English as a Second Language, arts education (including dance), as well as accelerated learning techniques such as Brain Gym.
Love, spiritual connection and intuition became the foundation of Marya’s experience with children during her thirty year teaching career in the public schools. That orientation strongly impacted how she was able to perceive and support students in the midst of highly demanding, often stressed educational systems.
Marya provided training related to stress reduction, self-esteem and multicultural education awareness to teachers and students. She co-founded and co-directed a Peace Maker’s Program in the Arlington, Virginia, Public School System and chaired the county’s Human Relations Council, focusing primarily on integrating multicultural education in the classroom throughout the school year. Since those experiences, Marya has developed a teacher renewal program, Gateways for Teachers. Like her spiritual coaching practice, her teacher/professional renewal programs have an “inside out” orientation.
Marya is trained as a Facilitator of Self-Esteem Seminars, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA, as well as a Mentor/Facilitator and Ordained Minister for the Center for Soulful Living, Ivins, Utah.